
404 Training and education

103 - Generic Disclosures on Management Approach

NIBE operations are knowledge-intensive and subject to constant development, which means that employees need to continuously make use of the opportunity to develop their skills. Competence development is important for all companies within NIBE Group in order to secure efficiency and competitiveness.

NIBE has a decentralized human resources management, with local HR units identifying training and development gaps and opportunities for the local employee population.

404-1 - Average hours of training per year per employee

A total of 250 200 (190 000) hours of training were conducted in various areas in 2017. This is equivalent to approximately 18 (16) hours of training per employee.

Number of training hours


North America

Asia and Australia

Number of training hours, male production employees

35 922

62 727

2 291

Number of training hours, female production employees

20 015

74 257

2 390

Number of training hours, male administrative employees

23 631

13 681


Number of training hours, female administrative employees

8 408

5 561


Total per region

87 976

156 226

5 411

404-2 - Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs

Not reported

404-3 - Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews

In 2017 the reported total percentage of employees receiving documented performance and career development reviews was 69 (60) percent.

Number of career reviews


North America

Asia and Australia

Number of career reviews, male production employees

2 469

1 401


Number of career reviews, female production employees


1 179


Number of career reviews, male administrative employees

1 801



Number of career reviews, female administrative employees




Total per region

5 622

3 633