
403 Occupational health and saftey

103 - Generic Disclosures on Management Approach

Health and safety is one of our most important topics, ranked very high in our materiality analysis both internally and by our external stakeholders. Safety performance has a direct impact on NIBE overall performance as a Group, productivity, stability and ability to create trust as employer, supplier and asset.

NIBE work hard to improve the working environment at all plants to create a safe workplace. The ultimate goal is to achieve workplaces where no accidents occur. The partial target is to have an accident rate of fewer than 6 accidents for every million hours worked by the end of 2020.

NIBE expect all companies in the Group to live up to NIBE shared policies and regularly monitor working conditions in own operations to ensure they meet our standards. During site visits the management present how they have implemented the Group’s values,  how they work within the areas of health and safety to reach the goal of zero accidents.

Nonconformities in 2017 primarily concerned deficiencies in the physical working environment and lack of maintenance of machinery and buildings. There were no cases of child labor, forced labor or any breach of other principles relating to labor law.

403-1 - Workers representation health and safety committees

Work of health and safety committees represent 87 (87) percent of the workforce.

403-2 - Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities

For NIBE employees the lost time injury frequency per million hours worked was 11 (10.1) and sick leave was 3.6 (3.8) percent. Including contractors, the lost time injury frequency was 11,2. There have been no work-related fatalities .


During 2017 there were 292 recordable injuries and 51 high potential incidents for direct employees. Companies with more than 15 employees and an accident frequency of more than 10 accidents per million hours worked must draw up a written action plan for how they will
achieve the Group target.


Number of lost days due to occupational disease was 838 days.


Occupational diseases

403-3 - Workers with high risk of diseases

Not reported.

403-4 - H&S safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions

Not reported.