
Ethics and Integrity

102-16 - Values, principles, standards and norms of behavior

NIBE has expressed the code of conduct in three folders titled Our Values, Our Business Principles and Our Working Methods. The NIBE Group management originally developed the content based on a long tradition of honest and upright business behavior. The content of the folders reflect the spirit of integrity that is the core of the NIBE culture and the ten principles of the Global Compact. The CEO has delegated the responsibility to update and publish the folders to the CSO. The Sustainability Council[1] approves changes in the content before release.

The folders are available in sixteen languages on our website and on the NIBE intranet. All companies receive the printed version in the local language. The content are to be part of the introduction.

When a new company enters the Group, the management is obliged to communicate and implement the Code of Conduct in the organization. All employees receive a printed copy in the local language. The Sustainability team evaluates the implementation in connection with regular company visits.

NIBE Code of Conduct is available for external parties and stakeholders on the website NIBE ask suppliers to sign a Supplier Code of Conduct, which is a summary of applicable principles in Our Values and Our Business Principles.

102-17 - Mechanisms for advice and concerns abour ethics

Managers have the responsibility to seek advice on ethical and lawful behavior according to escalation procedures, when their knowledge or mandate is not sufficient. When especially delicate or difficult matters occur, access to expertise is granted through channels both within and outside the organization.

According to the Whistleblowing policy, all individuals within the organization have authorization to report any concern about unethical or unlawful behavior. The policy is available for download on our intranet. The policy contains a statement of non-retaliation.

Employees are primarily encouraged to report through the line management, but if that is not possible, they are informed how to use the whistleblowing function. The whistleblowing function is a shared external resource used by all companies within NIBE Group. It is available to all employees, who receive information how to use the function and is to be a part of the introduction. The function makes it possible to report anonymously from anywhere, at any time and in their own language. An external party handles all reports confidentially and according to best practice.

During 2017, we received two reports, which were referred to the Group’s department for whistleblowing in 2017.

One was classed as an HR matter and managed according to the standard procedures.
The other matter was investigated and concluded within the whistleblowing system.