
Product and service labeling

DMA - Generic Disclosures on Management Approach 

Our product development and sourcing teams work according to a number of EU directives, such as Ecodesign, REACH and RoHs. We continuously strive to reduce the amount of material in the products and to phase out substances that appear on restriction lists. Besides legal demands according to a number of directives, we also have specific requirements from customers.


G4-PR4 - Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and service information and labeling

No incidents were reported during 2016.

G4-PR5 - Results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction

Surveys were conducted locally in 2016. There is no aggregated data available at Group level. Generally we have received high marks in our surveys with a grade of at least 5 on a 7-grade scale, where availability via telephone is getting the lowest marks.