
Occupational health and saftey

DMA - Generic Disclosures on Management Approach

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Health and safety is one of the most important aspects, ranked very high in our materiality analysis both internally and by our external stakeholders. Our safety performance has a direct impact on our overall performance as a company, our productivity, stability and ability to create trust as employer, supplier and asset.


We expect all companies in the Group to live up to our shared principles and we regularly monitor working conditions in our own operations to ensure they meet our standards. Site visits are conducted at which the management is asked to present how they have implemented the Group’s values and how they work on the areas included in the agenda. Any need for improvement or nonconformities established at a site visit, along with proposals for measures, are reported to the management of each company and to both the respective business area management and Group management. The business area managers are also responsible for following up on the measures with the various companies in each business area.


Nonconformities in 2016 primarily concerning deficiencies in the physical working environment and lack of maintenance of machinery and buildings.


There were no cases of child labour, forced labour or any breach of other principles relating to labour law.

G4-LA5 - Percentage of total workforce represented in health and safety committees



(The 87% is based on the workforce in 43 of 83 companies that have responded. These 43 companies represent 80% of the total workforce.)

G4-LA6 - Type of injury and rates of injury 

We work hard to improve the working environment at all our plants to create a safe workplace and reduce ill-health. Our goal is to achieve workplaces where no accidents occur. The partial target is to have an accident rate of fewer than 6 accidents for every million hours worked by the end of 2018.


In recent years, we have intensified our focus on accident reporting. This has resulted in more companies improving their reporting of incidents and accidents. In 2016, 62 companies reported accidents to the Group, compared with 40 companies in 2015. The effect of the increase in reporting is that the accident figures have a visibly negative trend initially before the effects of the measures taken are seen. The lost time injury frequency per million hours worked was 10.1 (8.5) and sick leave was 3.8% (4.2%).


There have been no work-related fatalities.