DMA - Generic Disclosures on Management Approach
We know that water scarcity is a global problem that is increasing. Today we use relatively small quantities of water and our production sites are located where there is access to water. However, the circumstances can change, and that is why we want to monitor our water use.
G4-EN8 - Water use by source
The main source of our used water, more than 90%, is municipal water. The water volumes are taken from invoices or from flow metres at source.
One site (NIBE Biawar in Poland) is using a substantial quantity of ground water, more than 90% of the total amount of ground water used in the Group.
G4-EN9 - Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water
There are no identified water sources that are being significantly affected.
G4-EN10 - Percentage of total volume recycled
Much of the water is used as cooling water that is recirculated for a long time in a closed system. We lack sufficiently reliable methods to compile data for the time being.
Process water is also recirculated to a large extent. We have not yet found a reliable way of calculating and reporting that.