DMA - Generic Disclosures on Management Approach
Reference AR 13 » Pdf, 8.4 MB.
Waste is an important aspect for all our production companies and there are ongoing efforts to minimise waste generation as well as recycling more. In 2016, we recycled 85% (75%) of our waste, 11% (8%) of which as energy recovery by means of incineration. A total of 17,390 (18,050) tonnes of waste were generated, 760 (1,680) tonnes of which were hazardous waste.
We sent 1,220 (1,360) tonnes to external landfill, which represents 7% of the total waste volume. This consists, for example, of process waste, which may contain contents of heavy metals that are too high for recycling or materials that cannot be incinerated, such as stone ceramics and composites.
G4-EN22 - Water discharge
Water discharge is considered material for a few of our production companies* from a monitoring perspective. We have chosen to ask all production companies to report their water discharge to be able to see trends and act if there would be negative changes. We are attempting to get more reliable data on water discharge.
*Backer Elektro CZ a.s., DZ Dražice - strojírna s.r.o., Backer OBR Sp z.o.o., Backer EHP (Wiegand S.A. de C.V.)
G4-EN24 - Number and volume of signifiant spills
No significant spills were reported during 2016