
Stakeholder Engagement

G4-24 - List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organisation

We have included the following in the stakeholder groups whose opinions are of greatest importance to the Company and/ or are affected most by the Company’s profit: shareholders, B2B customers in various sectors, end customers and installers, employees, suppliers, analysis institutes and other representatives of the financial sector and public authorities (supervisory and local).


G4-25 - Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders

We used an assessment method where we viewed each stakeholder group according to their power, legitimacy and urgency (Mitchel et al 1997). From the assement we could identify our key stakeholder, their presumed interests in the company, and a channel to engage with them.


G4-26 -Approaches to stakeholder engagement

Analysts and representatives from the financial sector often approach the company via interviews and questionnaires. We have studied the content and what subjects are included in the questions they ask us, and from that we have drawn conclusions about what they find material. We always respond to these kind of requests which could be annually or biannually. We have also asked a number of people from that group to respond to a questionnaire in 2016.


Employees are approached via surveys and the conclusions we can draw from various grievance mechanisms and the suggestions that comes in through internal channels.


The results of the qualitative surveys were used to create a simple questionnaire with identified sustainability aspects in six different areas: finance, products, environment, working environment, governance and society. The questionnaire was completed online by around 200 individuals. We were not able to cover all stakeholder groups in 2016 and still have relatively limited statistical data from the quantitative surveys. However, it was possible to compile a sufficient quantity of data during the year to create a representative basis for our materiality analysis.


We see this as an ongoing process in which the data will be improved from year to year as we gather more facts. The frequency is not yet establisehd since this year was the first time we used a questionnaire for the stakeholder dialogue.


G4-27 - Key topics and concerns

The top ten most important topics raised through our stakeholder engagement were:


  • Energy efficiency and renewable energy
  • Healthy and safe work environment
  • Sustainable products and services
  • Business ethics and anti-corruption
  • Long term value creation and growth
  • Transparency
  • A board that is engaged in sustainability issues
  • Climate adapted products
  • Employee development
  • Fairness, diversity and equality

For our response to these topics, see each indicator.