
Organisational profile

G4-3 - Name of the organisation

NIBE Industrier AB

G4-4 - Primary brands, products and services

Reference AR 8-11, 36, 37, 44, 45, 50 Pdf, 8.4 MB.» Pdf, 8.4 MB.

Web reference


The company has a tradition going back many years of manufacturing products for both household and commercial use, and is a leader in the manufacture of products for indoor climate comfort, heating and applications for energy efficiency. Entrepreneurship and a passion for doing business, investments in product development and corporate acquisitions have led to significant expansion of the Group, which now has sales exceeding SEK 15 billion.


G4-5 - Location of the headquarters

NIBE is a Swedish company with its roots in the southern province of Småland and head office in Markaryd.

G4-6 - Number of countries where the organisation operates

Reference AR 1-5 Pdf, 8.4 MB.» Pdf, 8.4 MB.

Web reference


NIBE is present on the five continents. The Groups own companies exist in Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and USA.


Vietnam has been added to the countries during 2016, and will be included in the GRI-report full year 2017.

G4-7 - Nature of ownership and legal form

Reference AR 31-33, 87-89, 94 Pdf, 8.4 MB.» Pdf, 8.4 MB.


NIBE is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Exchange, Large Cap list, with a secondary listing on the SIX Swiss Exchange.

NIBE’s 2016 Annual Report covers trademarks, ownership, changes in structure and size, geographical market presence, and a detailed account of financial results and key figures.


G4-8 - Markets served

Reference AR 1-5 Pdf, 8.4 MB.» Pdf, 8.4 MB.


NIBE is an international Group within heating technology and energy efficiency with sales in Europe, North America, Asia, Australia and Africa.

The Group consists of three business areas covering different product segments directed towards several industries:

  1. NIBE Climate Solutions provides sustainable energy solutions for indoor comfort through a wide range of products for heating, cooling, ventilation, heat recovery and hot water heating for houses, apartment blocks and other large buildings, including commercial real estate.
  2. NIBE Element provides components and solutions for measurement, control and heating designed for producers and users of industrial and consumer products.
  3. NIBE Stoves offers stoves and chimney systems for different types of houses and commercial buildings.

G4-9 - Scale of the reporting organisation

NIBE Group had on average 11,900 employees during 2016. Group sales in 2016 totaled 15.4 million with an operating margin of 12.9%. NIBE Climate Solutions accounted for 62% of sales, NIBE Element 27% and NIBE Stoves for the remaining 11%.


G4-10 - Total workforce by region

Reference AR 77 » Pdf, 8.4 MB.


G4-11 - Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements



G4-12 - Describe the organisation’s supply chain

The supply chain consists of approximately 3,500 suppliers of direct material. The highest purchase volumes come from suppliers in Europe and North America. The product categories that represent most value are metals and electronics. Many of our suppliers are long term suppliers where we have a close relationship, often developing components and parts for our products together. The procurement of direct material is to some extent centralised, whereas indirect material purchasing is made entirely locally.


G4-13 - Significant changes during the reporting period

During 2016 NIBE Group acquired ten companies adding approximately four billion SEK to the annual turnover. These aquisitions affected the reporting of financial data for 2016, but will not affect the non-financial reporting until the first full year in the group after acquisition.


Two new companies were included in the non-financial reporting during 2016: Termorad in Poland and Backer Marathon in Texas, USA. Together they represent 0.6% of the total turnover 2016.


G4-14 - Explanation of the precautionary approach

NIBE applies a precautionary approach in connection to any changes in products or in the production processes. Risk assessments are made before changes are carried out. It includes changes in input material, product design, manufacturing process, logistics and before constructing or changing buildings. The product life cycle is taken into account when carrying risk assessments.


G4-15 - Externally developed economic, environmental and social principles

NIBE is a signee of Global Compact since 2014 and are committed to support the Agenda 2030. NIBE also reports according to CDP and give financial support to organisations like Hand-in-Hand and SOS Children's Villages. The individual companies within NIBE Group are members of a number of industry associations and initiatives on national level.


G4-16 - Membership of associations and advocacy organisations

NIBE has chosen to actively participate in a number of industry organisations and standard organisations, on national, EU and international level. The participation is decided by the need of the particular business area and/or product group. The objective is to advocate NIBE's interests, contribute with expertise and opinions as well as to keep informed of the current development. We have chosen not to disclose the list of memberships.