
Reporting practicies

102-45 - Operational structure of the organization

See Annual report page 96-98 or go to External link. to see the list of companies included in the financial reporting.

Acquisitions made during 2017 are not included in the sustainability reporting.

102-46 - Process for defining report content and Topic Boundaries and explain how the Reporting Principles have been implemented 

Step 1: Identification

Relevant topics have been identified by looking at the different types of impact that occur in each step of our value chain. We have considered our products, market and supply chain, as well as our vision and mission in view of what needs be improved in order to support sustainable development. We have considered the impact outside the organization and in the interfaces between the organization and external parties, combined with what topics and concerns our stakeholders historically have raised. This gave us a gross list of possibly material topics that needed prioritization.

Step 2: Prioritization

We used the list of identified topics as a basis for our stakeholder dialogue and for our internal discussions. All the topics were rated from the most important to the least important. From the list of rated topics, we have chosen to focus on the top 15-20 ones that have been considered as most important both by our external and by our group management team.

Step 3: Validation

We have analyzed the outcome of step 1 and 2, and found that the prioritized topics represent a balanced combination that includes several angles of our economic, environmental and social responsbility. These topics might change over time, as our business develops and stakeholder demands changes.

102-47 - List of material topics

NIBE's working group for sustainability issues together with Group management carried out a materiality analysis based on the areas that are regarded as most relevant to the company's operational focus and geographical presence as well as international initiatives such as the Global Compact and Agenda 2030 (SDG). The assessment also included business environment requirements, global trends, standards (GRI, ISO 14001 and CDP), the Company’s expected future growth, with the concomitant risks and opportunities and the outcome of the dialogue with stakeholders. See Annual report page 34.

102-48 - Restatements of information

No significant re-statements.

102-49 - Changes in reporting

Miscalculation in Energy efficiency value for 2016. Reported 10 actual value should be 11,2.

102-50 - Reporting period

Full year 2017

102-51 - Date of most recent report

April 2017

102-52 - Reporting cycle


102-53 - Contact point

[email protected]

102-54 - Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards

This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option

102-56 - External assurance

NIBE are currently not seeking external assurance for this report.