

102-18 - Governance structure

All operations follow national legislation, for example financial, environmental and labor legislation, where we are located. We are also under an obligation to comply with regional and international law, as well as voluntary undertakings such as the Global Compact.


NIBE’s Board of Directors bears the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that risks are managed and sustainability work meets the requirements of public authorities, shareholders and other company stakeholders.


The CEO reports to the Board of Directors.


The Group’s CSO reports to the Sustainability Council, with CEO as chairperson and CFO and the business area managers as members. The Sustainability Team is responsible for effectuating the strategic sustainability work and CEO reports on sustainability issues to the Boards of Directors at Group and business area levels.


The management of each company within the Group is responsible for local operational sustainability work and for compliance with Group guidelines. The managers of the individual company report to the business area manager.


The Sustainability team regularly visits the companies in the Group to monitor compliance with our Code of Conduct, common policies and guidelines.

Board, Sustainability Advisory Group