DMA - Generic Disclosures on Management Approach
In our values we clearly state that we "must be honest in our business dealings [and] comply with applicable legislation". If a situation of a complex nature should occur in connection with a business transaction with risks connected to anti-competitive behaviour, we seek advice from legal advisors specialised in this subject to make sure we make the correct decisions.
G4-SO7 -Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices and their outcomes
No legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour occurred during 2016.
There was however an investigation made by the Swedish Competition Authority in connection with the acquisition of a majority in British-owned Enertech Group. The acquisition was approved both by Swedish in February 2017 and previously by German authorities.
The agreement between NIBE Industrier AB (publ) (NIBE) and LSB Industries (LSB) on the sale and transfer of Climate Control Group (CCG) to NIBE was cleared by the U.S. Fedral Trade Commission during 2016 in accordance with the United States' Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act.