

DMA - Generic Disclosures on Management Approach

The use of materials is an important aspect within the organisation, especially for our producing companies. It is also important outside the organisation as we need to secure our products from hazardous substances and conflict minerals. It means that the we have to start from the sourcing process to be able to fulfill our customers demands on product safety and legal compliance.


Minimising use of materials and care for natural resources starts in our product development. Minimising the use of materials in our products, lowers not only costs for material and transportation, but also waste generation.


We have increased our total use of material, but if we compare it with sales, the material intensity is lower than it used to be.

G4-EN1 - Materials used by weight or volume

Metals such as iron, steel, copper and brass along with magnesium oxide represent 80% (76%) of our total inputs. Other inputs are stone, concrete, enamel, plastic, composite components and chemicals such as dye and glue.


In 2016, 9,580 (10,900) tonnes of packaging material were used, consisting of wood, board, plastic and steel.


Refrigerants used to fill our products amounted to 139 tonnes.


materials tbl

G4-EN2 - Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials

Not reported.

We do not have complete data to fully report the percentage recycled input material of all our materials today. We have however started to gather information on our main materials and aim to be able to report this in the future.