

DMA - Generic Disclosures on Management Approach

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In our values we clearly state that we "must be honest in our business dealings, comply with applicable legislation and have zero tolerance to bribery and corruption". Corruption is a risk that could ruin our reputation and destroy our business. Corruption is a threat to democracy and stability in society. Every responsible company must shun all forms of corruption. We therefore educate our employees on how to act and demand that our business partners apply the same zero tolerance towards corruption as we do.


G4-SO3 - Total number and percentage of operations asessed for risks related to corruption and the significant risks identified

Corruption risks have been assessed locally. There is no aggregated data about corruption risks at Group level. NIBE has adopted a risk management tool to help its businesses manage their compliance risks. The next step is to launch systematic risk assessments to determine preventive measures in order to minimise corruption risks. That will give us access to statistics at Group level. We will also encourage improved incident reporting to further increase awareness of the risks.


G4-SO4 - Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures

By the end of 2016, 3,100 employees had completed our business and anti-corruption training. The training is now a mandatory part of the induction training for all employees exposed to corruption risks in any form.


Employees exposed to risks related to corruption or other unethical business behaviour are trained how to handle situations that might occur. They are also informed of their responsibility to seek advice and to report any situation that might occur.


The training programme is mandatory for every NIBE employee in every part of the organisation that has external contacts with suppliers, customers, authorities or other third parties. One part of the programme is an e-learning module where employees can train their behaviour in reality-based cases and get immediate feedback. One goal of the programme is to create awareness of the serious effects of unethical business behaviour - for the individual, the company and society.

G4-SO5 -Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken

No incidents related to corruption were reported during 2016.